Corporate Career Tips that guarantee success

Tips to help your career

How the TV Show Suits can help boost your corporate career

I enjoy Netflix.

And I really enjoy the TV show Suits.

Mike Ross’ determination.

Harvey Specter’s tenacity.

Louis Litt’s sense of humour.

Donna’s insight.

A series about a successful American law firm and the ensuing drama, humour and romance has provided me with 5 corporate career tips to help your career just in their first 6 seasons.

5 Corporate Career Tips for success

1. Lying is not worth it

The premise of the show is based around a messenger biker and his exceptional memory.

He lies his way into a law firm… but is eventually caught and spends time in prison.

Put straight – the truth and integrity are paramount to success.

2. Confidence is almost as important as content

How many times did we see the power struggle between Louis Litt and Harvey Specter end with Harvey coming out on top?

The former had more information but the latter always had more confidence.

People follow someone they believe in.

Harvey: Excuses don’t win championships. Mike: Oh yeah, did Michael Jordan tell you that? Harvey: No, I told him that.

3. Loyalty goes a long way in your work

If you build successful relationships in the workplace, people will do almost anything for you (but remember – this is not a one-way street).

Harvey Specter – “Loyalty is a two-way street. If I’’m asking it from you, then you’’re getting it from me”.”

4. Doing the right thing prevails in the end

Simple point really, and a follow-on from point one – shortcuts end up cutting you short.

5. You get what you go for

At the end of the day, no one can make you want anything more than you.

If your personal drive to succeed is not there (in any aspect of life- be it work, relationships, sport, etc)… then you will find it very difficult to break through when the days are tough.

If you’re a Suits junkie, or even if you aren’t, I’d love to hear your thoughts if you found my corporate career tips beneficial!

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About Luke Shepherd 1 Article
Luke is a Senior Recruitment Consultant for Sales Source National, a sales and marketing specialist agency. He is also a customer service expert and public speaker.

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