10 faces you make working in a call centre

10 faces you make working in a call centre

10 faces you make working in a call centre

If you’ve ever worked on the phones for any period of time then you’ll identify with the 10 faces you make working in a call centre.

As you know, call centres can be a great career option but even the best jobs can test you.

There are the highs of … leaving at the end of your shift?

And the lows of basically every face you see below!

If your call centre is anything like ours, then the faces you see below you have probably had plastered all over your face and some point or another.

In fact, I reckon I go through most faces every single shift!

 10 faces you make working in a call centre 

1. The “I need to just place you on hold for a second before I lose it” Face



2. The “‘Whoops I ‘accidentally’ hung up on a customer” Face


One of the faces you make working in call centre when you accidenlty hang up on a customer

3. The “I cannot believe the level of stupidity in the customers I have to deal with” Face


I see stupid people

4. The “I look forward to my toilet breaks for some down time” Face


I look forward to my toilet breaks elmo

5. The “I have absolutely no clue but I’ll try and bluff my way through it” Face


One of the faces you make working in call centre when you are trying to bluff your way through a call

6. The “I can’t deal with any more micromanagement” Face


The lord is testing me

7. The “Is this customer is trying small talk with me?” Face


The “This customer is trying small talk with me” Face

8. The “Oh My God, you want to the win the lottery? That’s so funny I’ve never heard that before” Face


One of the faces you make working in call centre is when the customer tries the win the lottery joke

9. The “Don’t talk to me I’m on a break” Face


Cant you see I'm busy

10. The “This job sucks but I still need it to survive” Face


The tearful face you make working in call centre when you need the job to survive


Recommended further reading: 10 Signs you’ve been working in a call centre too long

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