Six ways to lead workplace change

Six ways to workplace lead change

The right way to lead workplace change

I was speaking at a Fortune 500 Company the other day about the reason for strategies.

Companies create strategies so they can create sustained profitable growth.

The fact is that companies don’t grow – people do.

Strategy without execution is meaningless, and execution without an engaged team is impossible.

So, how can leaders grow and engage their people and grow their organisation at the same time?

Six ways to lead change in the workplace

These six ways to lead workplace change will empower you to take charge and give you the upper hand in a successful change program.

1. Embrace Reality

In more than 20 years in the consulting business, I’ve learnt that change and growth can occur naturally if you have an honest assessment of where you are and a clear picture of where you want to go.

This sounds simple, but it’s rare.

Honesty is both difficult and valuable.

Convert the sting of reality to an ally, and see it as a fuel for change.

2. Create a Common Mental Model

Leaders need to be clear and aligned on the strategies they create.

Shared meaning is more important than familiar words or schematics.

Ensuring everyone is on the same page is critical for success.

3. Own the Whole Before The Separate Pieces

People get to be leaders by taking care of their piece of the puzzle.

But to execute strategy, you must be an owner of the whole business strategy first.

You will have to give up something before you get anything back.

4. Work “On the Business” vs. “In the Business.”

We often notice that when “working on the business” (the strategic change) becomes uncomfortable, leaders flee that discomfort for “in the business” activities (such as day-to-day selling).

These are activities they’ve already mastered and that make them feel good.

Don’t do this.

5. Make It Personal

Your behaviours become the “pace car” for growth. Be the change you want to see in others.

To make it real for your team, make it real for yourself.

This requires embracing discomfort and remembering that all change means beginning again.

6. Get Everyone into the Game.

It’s no fun to sit on the bench.

Make sure all of your team understand your strategy and how they contribute to its success.

Until every person is secure in the knowledge that this company is going somewhere and they are helping to drive that vehicle to success, you won’t execute even the most elegant strategy.

A leader’s primary job in helping a company to grow is to change the game to one where you win only through the wins of your people.

You may have to give up some control and rethink your purpose in your company.

To be the change you expect in others, go first faster, be more vulnerable, and make everything way more personal.

Recommended further reading: How to be a Successful Change Manager

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About Jim Haudan 1 Article
Jim leads a group of creative, analytical people who combine insights, art, visualization, and dialogue in innovative ways with clients including GAP, PETCO, Pepsi, Taco Bell, Hilton Hotels and more. A frequent speaker on leading successful change including topics on leadership alignment, building organizational movements, business transformation, and accelerated learning, Jim has contributed to numerous business publications.

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