The continued rise of messaging apps
Technology (Advanced)

The rise and rise of messaging apps

How the rise of messaging apps popularity is forcing businesses to rethink their entire CX strategy with traditional channel volumes on the decline.

CX Executive Tips

Who handles your social media customer service?

The rising importance of getting social media cusstomer service right Most businesses these days are looking at new ways to grow their business and there is no doubt that social media customer service is becoming increasingly important. And as well

CX Executive Tips

Who should manage social media customer support?

Who manages Social Media Customer Support is becoming an increasingly complex and important decision for organisations with serious consequences for failure when your business gets it wrong.

Social media management in contact centres
Technology (Core)

Social Media Management in Contact Centres

Ready or not the call centres social media awakening is occurring with more and more consumers using social media channels for business enquiries resulting in new challenges to manage the customer, data and staff.