How a Great Customer Experience comes from Live Chat Support

Does Live chat support improve the customer experience?

How a Great Customer Experience comes from Live Chat Support

If you own a small to medium-sized business outfit, one secret weapon you can use to deliver excellent customer support and ultimately improve the customer experience for your business is the use of live chat support.

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, when done right, live chat support has the potential to bring about increased sales, retain existing customers, and onboard new customers for your business.

Providing support in real-time when your customers need them is one of the best ways to ensure quality customer experience for your business, and excellent customer experience is the backbone of every business that intends to make reasonable success.

Needless to say, when your customers are satisfied, it increases brand loyalty, positions your brand for sustainable growth, increases your customer base, and skyrockets the sales potential of your brand.

Research has shown that over sixty-three percent of customers are happy to return to a business website that engages them with the live chat service, and over sixty-two per cent of customers are delighted to make another purchase on the site.

Unfortunately, a lot of companies today are yet to implement this must-have customer service tool for their business, and as a result, they miss out on the powerful word of mouth advertising from happy and satisfied customers.

With live chat support, business outfits can attend to the concerns of their customers on the spot and give them instant gratification.

Using email or social media might take hours or even days before customers can get a response.

In fact, research has shown that sixty-two percent of companies do not also respond at all to emails sent by customers.

Without further explanation, let’s take a look at ways in which having a live chat service on your business website can improve customer experience.

How Live Chat Service Improves Customer Support And Overall Customer Experience


A lot of customers and visitors to business websites love live chat because it is a very convenient way to communicate, and here are some reasons.

  • Live chat is convenient because customers can instantly connect with business representatives or agents on the spot. They do not need to send an email or dial a number.
  • Over 51% of customers agree that live chat is convenient because it gives them the ability to multitask. They can do other things while waiting for a response.
  • Chat conversations can be saved. Customers can refer back to the chat history for the purpose of clarity.
  • Customers get feedback or solutions to their concerns quickly.
  • Buying decisions become easier to make with websites that have a live chat service. 44% of consumers agree with this.

Live Chat Service Increases Sales

Do you know that as much as 83% of visitors to your website need one form of support or another for them to make a purchase?

If you’re not available to give them this support via live chat, then you miss out on all the sales.

When live chat representatives are available on your website, you do not lose out on sales.

Consumers today favour making purchases from a website that has the live chat feature.

Live chat helps your customers to get the necessary support they desire before making a purchase. This, in turn, increases conversion rates for your business.

Builds Long-lasting Relationships

When customers are satisfied with your services and support, they become more attached and loyal to your brand, and this gives you more advantage over your competitors.

As you can tell, poor customer support experience can make a lot of customers switch loyalty to your competitors or other brands. 89% of consumers already attest to this fact.

Every customer wants to feel important, and when they know that you’re always available to listen and resolve their concerns, then they become more attached to your brand for life.

Cuts Small Talk And Focuses On The Point Of The Conversation

With the live chat feature, customers can jump right in to communicate their concerns and get back to other tasks.

No need to exchange pleasantries or small talk as may be associated with phone conversations.

Quick and concise conversations and responses are the hallmarks of an effective live chat customer support system. 

Resolve Issues Correctly

Resolving issues accurately is another unique advantage your business can derive from the live chat support feature.

Customers have less need to repeat themselves as business agents, or representatives can go over the chat history to acquaint themselves with the precise need(s) of the customer.

It Gives Your Business A Human Face

Using robots and chatbots can be annoying sometimes to your customers as they are unable to get the personalised support they desire.

Using a live chat feature with a human agent or representative is a great way to humanise and personalise your customer support to suit the needs of each customer.

Research has revealed that as many as 77% of customers desire to speak with a real person before making an online purchase.

Receive instant feedback

Successful businesses take feedback from their customers seriously, and live chat service is a great way to generate instant feedback from both new and existing customers.

With the right feedback, brands can achieve the following;

  • Identify areas where products and services need to be improved.
  • Good feedback allows brands to assess the satisfaction of customers with their service delivery.
  • Allow brands to identify gaps in the communication chain that needs to be filled.

Most business outfits will require their customers to leave feedback immediately after a live chat session. This will help them build on existing success.


In today’s digital age, every business outfit, whether big or small, should have a live chat feature as an essential part of their customer service toolkit.

Delivering excellent customer support service and improving customer experience and satisfaction is not rocket science.

Effective real-time communication with your customers is sacrosanct to building and maintaining sustainable relationships with them.

Live chat option is still relatively new as most small to medium scale business owners are yet to maximise its potentials fully.

Even when available on most websites, it is most times not functional. The functional ones do not make it a 24/7 service.

This is your chance to begin to leverage this fantastic tool for your business.

If you want to create a competitive advantage for your business, it’s time to start harnessing the power of a tool like live chat.

Recommended further reading: 4 Common CX failures most businesses are making and some tips on how to fix them

Find a list of live chat software companies, outsourcers who can manage your live chat and more on the free CX Directory >>> 

About Gregory V.Chapman 1 Article
Gregory is passionate about researching new technologies in both mobile, web and WordPress. Also, he works on writing service review websites Online Writers Rating. Gregory is in love with stories and facts, so he always tries to get the best of both worlds.

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