Acquire BPO announces new onshore acquisition

Acquire BPO acquires Melbourne based SMART GROUP

With COVID19 forcing a rethink on how businesses spread their contact centre and back-office support functions, Acquire BPO has moved swiftly to now include onshore (within Australia) capability to their solution offering by acquiring Melbourne based SMART GROUP.

With a large workforce of approximately 7,000 agents spread across the Philippines, the United States and the Dominica Republic, Acquire BPO has long been advocating the benefits of moving Australian based contact centre work offshore.

Acquire BPO Founder and chief Executive Scott Stavertis however recently commented to the Australian Financial Review that “While we’re big believers that work can be delivered exceptionally from offshore locations, we recognise some Australian businesses require a portion of work done onshore,” he said.

“This has become even more evident during COVID-19 as businesses have had to quickly scale up customer care and contact centres, however, they may not require this as part of their permanent headcount.”

The 100% acquisition of the SMART Group will increase their overall headcount by approx with all 200 staff in the Melbourne office and both SMART chief Executive Darren Lord and chief financial officer Jonathon Meredith-Smith joining the acquire team as Australian country manager and commercial manager, respectively.

You can find a list of outsourcers below:

Recommended reading: The real reasons why Australian call centres move offshore

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