Adobe integrates Delacon for call analytics

Adobe integrates Delacon for call analytics

Sydney – 22 August 2019: Call analytics company Delacon has become the only call tracking company in Australia to be fully integrated with Adobe Analytics and Adobe AdCloud, as many major brands still fail to measure inbound telephone leads.

The Delacon integration means customers can match CRM sales leads in Adobe Analytics to establish where calls originate from, ensuring maximum visibility and accountability for media spend ensuring greater return on investment.

Michael Center, CEO at Delacon said: “The integration with Adobe pushes call tracking data into their platform allowing our clients to view call conversions alongside web conversions. This provides valuable data around the volume of calls and also enables marketers to maximise their spend. We’re honoured to be the first call analytics company in Australia to be integrated in this way, with one of the world’s leading platforms.”

Customers who engage on the telephone convert faster and have a higher retention rate compared to other marketing strategies. But many large organisations are still not measuring where these calls are originating from meaning they are unable to properly attribute their marketing budgets. 

The Adobe integration follows the launch of Delacon’s interactive mobile numbers, offering businesses seamless communication with customers, increased lead conversion and improved marketing efficiency.

The company has also launched a speech analytics platform which allows brands and businesses to effectively ‘listen’ to every call made.

Using an artificial intelligence engine to transcribe and analyse all calls, the specialist module provides a deeper understanding of customer behaviour and sentiment once they move from the online to the offline world.

A​bout Delacon

Delacon is a leading global provider of a feature-rich call analytics platform that helps leading Brands and Digital Agencies optimise marketing ROI and grow revenues through sophisticated integration of voice call capabilities into online and offline sales. With call analytics you can accurately measure and attribute every phone call to its marketing channel, optimize marketing campaigns and increase sales performance.

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