Human-Centred Design

Human-centred design definition

What is Human-Centred Design (HCD)?

Humancentred design is an approach to problem-solving that puts the people we are designing for (typically your customers) at the heart of the process.

If you need a definition of HCD with a bit more meat, we like this one on

“It is based on a philosophy that empowers an individual or team to design products, services, systems, and experiences that address the core needs of those who experience a problem.”

To explain this further, HCD is a methodology that aims to understand situations from the perspective of the end-user and to design a solution that meets those needs.

It is generally an iterative process that encourages a test and learn mindset.

There are generally Human-Centred Design stages:

  1. UNDERSTAND / EMPATHISE – This stage is generally exploratory in nature. You want to learn as much about your customers as possible.
  2. DEFINE – Once you’ve completed exploratory work on the customer and their particular pain points, you want to narrow the scope to define a key area to focus on.
  3. EXPLORE / PROTOTYPE – The first step of solution mode. This is an area where “blue sky thinking” is encouraged. No idea is a bad idea. The aim is to build a rough prototype to start testing with customers.
  4. IMPLEMENT / CREATE – After a number of iterations, there should be a product or service that is well received from your customers. It’s now time to narrow efforts on a particular solution that resonates the best with customers.

Want to learn a bit more about Human-Centred Design?