Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs for short) define the targets and measures against which a call centre agent, team, manager or contact centre is expected to meet to achieve business objectives.

What Type of Key Performance Indicators are used in call centres?

Call centres are not short on data and there are literally hundreds of KPIs that can be used.

Of course, not all are important or will drive the right outcomes for your business.

To simplify things, there are really two key types  of KPIs you can use:


Examples of quantitative KPIs include:


Examples of qualitative KPIs include:

How are Key Performance Indicators Measured in a call centre?

To measure performance effectively in a call centre you need to have a call centre technology platform.

They don’t have to be expensive, in fact with cloud call centre solutions these days it can be very cost-effective.

But without a contact centre technology platform, you simply won’t be able to obtain the data you need to measure KPIs effectively.

With regards to measurement frequency, Key Performance Indicators or KPIs are typically set by hour, day, week, month or annually depending on the metric.

How can I learn more about Key Performance Indicators in call centres?

Understanding what KPIs you should use in a call centre and how they can drive behaviours along with the customer experience is a fundamental requirement for any call centre manager.

Thankfully there are a lot of resources available including:

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