![ideal customer for call centre agents How and why contact centre agents need to know your ideal customer](https://cxcentral.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ideal-customer-for-call-centre-agents-678x356.jpg)
What & Why Contact Centre Team Members Need to Know About Your Ideal Customer
Customers are the lifeblood of any business.
If you’re not serving customers effectively, your business has no purpose and will eventually cease to exist.
That’s glaringly obvious, isn’t it?
Yet, one of the biggest mistakes many businesses make when training their contact centre team members is not explaining who their Ideal Customer is; the problems that are keeping them up at night, and how your business solves these problems for them.
At the end of this article, you’ll know the key areas about your Ideal Customer that need to be shared with your team members, so they have a crystal clear idea of who your Ideal Customer is, and how they can best relate and communicate with them.
Making sure your team members have a crystal clear idea of your Ideal Customer is crucial because in many cases team members are the first human contact or have the majority of interactions with your Ideal Customer.
Not to mention that effective engagement with your existing customers or prospective customers is the cornerstone of achieving higher contact and conversion rates to drive growth and lower sales costs!
And, the key to more effective engagement – knowing everything you can about the person you’ll be speaking with so you can really understand who they are, how best speak with them and quickly find common interests you both share.
Because of this, team members need to know who your Ideal Customer is and what problems they’re trying to solve; those things that are keeping them up at night!
How they like to be communicated with, so team members can really empathise with your Ideal Customers or prospects and relate to them as individuals to engage with them in a way that is both meaningful and appreciated by your Ideal Customer.
An obvious starting point is sharing your Customer Avatar, or what some people call the Buyer Persona, which your sales and marketing departments have likely created.
This not only includes Demographic Information like:
• Gender
• Age group
• Where they live
• Whether they’re married or have a life partner or if they’re single
• If they have children, and if so, how many and their ages
• Types of professions and jobs they do
• Their job title
• Education level
• Annual income
But also Psychographic Information that applies to your Ideal Customer like, for instance:
• Types of books, magazines and newspapers they enjoy and read
• Types of movies and Television shows do they watch
• Hobbies or interests they have
• Where they like to hang out online and offline
• What they like to do for fun.
Contact Centre Team members also need to know what your Ideal Customers goals and value are; what their challenges and pain points are, and what they really want, and how your products and services help them solve their problems.
And, if you have different Customer Avatars for other products and services you provide that team members are involved with, you need to follow the same process for each of these.
Provided you share everything about your Ideal Customer with your contact centre team members, they will have a very clear understanding of who they’re dealing with, and with this understanding be better placed to more effectively engage with them while positioning your brand in its most positive light.