CallActive in Liquidation

CallActive gone - 40 year old call centre outsourcing closes suddenly

CallActive suddenly closes the doors

Sad news that call centre outsourcer CallActive, a 40-year-old Australian company closed the doors suddenly on Friday.

CallActive closed the doors on its 1,300 seat facility in East Bentleigh as well as their 180 seat New Zealand facility based in Melbourne effective immediately.

The sudden closure of  CallActive has left employees out of pocket with salaries not paid for the previous fortnight.

And with no advance warnings of the impending closure provided, its left many of the staff not knowing how they will put food on the table.

There has also been reports by CallActive employees that Superannuation has not been paid for over 12 months as well as all annual leave entitlements so it certainly looks like a rough ride ahead for the staff at the worst time of the year.

Owner and co-director of CallActive, Rick Allan said the company’s lawyers had appointed liquidators after bowing to “global pressures” associated with trying to compete with Asian-based call centres.

Both Rick, and co-director brother Phil Allan were reeling at the company’s closure.

“All I can say is that we are devastated. We’ve lost our family business of 40 years. We’ve always tried to do the right thing.”

The employees union is yet to make an official statement but it is excepted to do so in the coming days.

The New Zealand media has already picked up on the closure (link) and its expected that the Australian media won’t be far behind.

We’ll keep you posted.

In the interim there are a number of good CallActive employees looking for employment – if you have any immediate vacancies please contact us and we can put you in touch with the right people.

<Read all the latest information on the CallActive liquidation>

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