Qantas continue to increase jobs in their New Zealand call centre
The Australian reported today that the Qantas NZ call centre is growing by another 30 call centre agents in their Auckland call centre, bringing the total number of agents to 150.
The news comes after Qantas managers had told its officials that call centres in Brisbane, Melbourne and Hobart were under review.
The union also announced that Qantas indicated that a number of Australian call centre staff would be offered voluntary redundancies.
“We believe that this is a slap in the face to Australia-based call centre staff and makes a mockery of the review about to get under way,” – Linda White, Qantas Union’s Assistant National Secretary.
The Auckland call centre takes English speaking customer enquires from all countries apart from Australia, and a Qantas spokesman has stated that the number of calls has increased.
2019: Qantas continued to increase their New Zealand based call centre and it now takes ALL calls from Australia with only a handful of local Australian call centre jobs left who handle premium customer care.
All Qantas live chat calls are handled in the Philippines and calls originating in Europe are being handled in South Africa.
Recommended reading: Why Australian call centre jobs are being lost to overseas
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