Transurban call centre jobs now safe - or are they?
Community Education

Transurban call centre jobs now safe

Transurban call centre jobs now safe after they faced a massive public backlash over their call centre offshoring plans to the Philippines. Or are they?

Why customer experience competence is more critical than ever
CX Executive Tips

Customer experience competence

With call centre interactions becoming more and more complex the challenge of customer experience competence has never been greater.

11 Great ideas on how to motivate employees at work
Employee Engagement

How to motivate employees at work

We reveal how to motivate employees and create genuine engagement in your workplace with 11 great tips that don’t even cost a fortune to implement!

Why the traditional KPI model no longer works
Call Centre KPIs & Metrics

Why the traditional KPI model does not work

The traditional KPI model of linking rewards to performance can be fraught with danger, especially in a call centre if the KPIs aren’t set correctly.

5 Tips for coaching call centre agents to improve performance
Call Centre Team Leader Tips

Tips for coaching call centre agents

Spending time coaching call centre agents is one of the most important functions of a Team Leader. Follow these 5 steps to ensure the coaching is effective.

The 4 Stages of team development
CX Leadership Tips

The 4 Stages of Team Development

Easy explanation of the 4 Stages of Team Development (Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing) and how it can help your team leadership.

What is cyborg telemarketing
Technology (Advanced)

What is Cyborg Telemarketing?

The future has already arrived with cyborg telemarketing already in play – but just what is it? We look at the latest trend in telemarketing that uses technology to overcome language barriers to using telemarketing from cheap labour countries all at the push of a button.