Why multitasking is not productive in a call centre
CX Executive Tips

Why multitasking is not productive

Despite the perceptions, multitasking is not productive when it comes to a call centre agent trying to juggle phone calls, emails, texts, live chat and more

Stop karate chopping your customers
How to Improve the CX

Stop karate chopping your customers

Karate Chopping your customers is when you push someone to self-service without offering to help first – it’s poor form as Daniel Ord explains.

The call centre industry's dark secret
CX Executive Tips

The call centre industry’s dark secret

We spill the beans on the call centre industry’s dark secret – and it’s an area we can all improve on if we are truly going to progress as an industry.

Why the AHT Metric should be extinct
Call Centre KPIs & Metrics

Why the AHT metric should be extinct

With changes to the way contact centres operate and a higher focus on quality, its about time you stop using the AHT metric for call centre agents.

why multichannel agents are less productive in the call centre
CX Executive Tips

Why Channel Blending reduces productivity

In the push to omnichannel, we expect call centre agents to handle everything but channel blending is reducing agent productivity as Daniel Ord explains.