How to gain your CCXP (Certified Customer Experience Professional)
Host of the CX Central Podcast Justin Tippett is joined by global Customer Experience Expert Daniel Ord to explain all about how to gain your CCXP (Certified Customer Experience Professional) including how to get it, what it includes and more.
Daniel Ord is one of just 10 Recognised Training Partners in the world for the CXPA and he provides a great insight into how you can get one of the most in-demand skills on the planet today.
Looking to get your CCXP certification?
If you’re interested in pursuing your CCXP or just want to learn more about Customer Experience we run a regular workshop called CX Management Fundamentals. View the upcoming workshops on CX Skills >
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How to gain your CCXP
[JT] Welcome to the CX Central podcast and videocast, I would love to welcome Daniel Ord all the way from Germany, welcome Daniel.
[DO] Hi Justin fantastic to be talking to you yet again.
[JT] I’m very excited to talk about our topic today which is going to be all things CCXP and importantly for those interested, how to gain your CCXP credentials.
[DO] Yes, and you know I have a passion for that topic so thanks for having me on Justin.
[JT] Always a pleasure so if you are for listening to this, welcome to the podcast or you might also be watching this on video as we have a youtube channel or you’ll be seeing this specific video on our CX Skills website which is where we advertise all our courses – both the ones that I run and of course with Daniel as well and some other trainers.
Today what we want to do is really talk about the CCXP because a lot of people are a bit confused about what is this CCXP thing is and why do I need it etc so if that’s you, we’re going to answer all of those questions for you today. So the first question Daniel, can you tell the audience a little bit about the CCXP credentials, how they came about etc.
[DO] Sure I will Justin, and I think you have a nice slide showing a few logos there so I’ll use that to kind of give us a visual aid as we walk through this.
Well the CCXP as you can see in the logo there stands for certified customer experience professional. It’s an individual certification and it was put together and is administered by the CXPA which is the customer experience professionals association and that’s the logo that you see on the right. One of the factors that drew me to the CCXP credential some years back was the CXPA is a non-profit independent association and I think when you’re looking at a global certification, that’s really really important.
It’s helpful to remember that until the CXPA established this credential roughly back in 2011/2012, there was really no way for a CX professional to demonstrate or prove out their level of cx expertise and Justin we talk about this a lot, doesn’t it seem like today everyone’s a CX expert?
[JT] Oh my god! I look at my LinkedIn feed and I literally reckon every third person is suddenly a CX expert Dan – suddenly they’ve just grown from nowhere!
[DO] Yeah, and again, I mean we honour the profession and we honour people working in it but I have to say for me the question is where’s the proof if you’re a cx professional?
For me, the CCXP really demonstrates that proof. For example, currently, there are about 1,130 CCXP’s worldwide and when I see a person with those letters after their name, I feel like I know them.
Obviously, I do not know 1,133 people but when I see CCXP I know what they’ve been through, I know what they’ve studied, I know the kinds of questions that they had to answer correctly and that gives me a level level of comfort and trust.
[JT] It’s good see more and more people with those letters next to their name and I know a lot of people, they’ve probably been wondering what the hell does those letters mean and well now they’re going to find out!
[DO] Yes, and it is an individual certification so I know some people do ask me if I leave my company and go to another company, do I take this with me and it’s absolutely yes. The CCXP belongs to you and when you pass it and can put those letters after your name, I think it’s very helpful.
Let me give you a few other things we’re seeing in the marketplace. Many companies and I admit it’s very much in the U.S at this point, and the U.K, but I think we’re going to see this spread is that when they’re advertising for a CX professional, they’re putting ‘CCXP required’ or ‘CCXP preferred’ when hiring for CX roles. Because if you’re a HR person or you’re a recruiter in all honesty how are you going to validate the level of knowledge that someone has?
[JT] You’re right, and we are seeing that now in Asia Pacific too, and it’s only going to increase right as time goes on.
[DO] I’m glad to hear that. I think the other thing that I’m seeing here is that there are some tech providers out there especially for the industry and they do a lot of content management, as you know doing blogs and reports and that kind of thing, and many of these tech providers they go out specifically to CCXP’s to get quotes, to get insights, to do interviews etc as it’s now one of their internal requirements.
They’ve told me this “Dan, everyone out there is quote-unquote a CX expert but when we go out and look for someone to give us a valid quote or insight we only go for CCXP’s or we make sure because it’s the only way we know that this person knows what they’re talking about”.
Then there’s one other thing I’m seeing because as you know, I do a lot of judging for these global cx awards and cx awards are different than contact centre or customer service awards and I’m noticing the level of maturity and sophistication in these awards entries and the programs or projects these people are working on.
The standard just keeps on increasing and it turns out a lot of the people entering these awards happen to be CCXP’s but what really is impressing me is the level of sophistication I’m seeing in CX out there in real companies. What I think that means for me is the divide between those who really are CX experts and yielding results and those that aren’t, but perhaps claim to be, is widening and widening and I think that’s going to continue over time.
[JT] Yes there’s no doubt and we’re also going to talk about that last little logo down the bottom a bit later in this presentation because I’m dying for people to understand just how important that Recognised Training Provider status is so we’ll be talking about that shortly. My next question I wanted to ask you was that you’ve set the framework that the CCXP status is global, that it belongs to the individual and you get the letters next to your name if you pass the exam but what’s covered in the credential because CX is such a broad space!
So what actually included, and what’s it mean to have the CCXP credential?
What’s covered in the CCXP Credential?
[DO] I think that’s a fair question and it’s one that I get asked a lot so if you don’t mind Justin, we’ve got another slide that shows the six competencies.
Through research, working in the industry and working in the community there are six CX competencies or if you prefer domains of knowledge that any CCXP candidate needs to have and this is because these are the proven factors in organisations that are doing well in cx versus perhaps those that aren’t doing so well in cx.
They’re pretty big so I’ll just read through each one very quickly:
- Customer Experience Strategy
- Voice of the Customer
- Customer Insight and Understanding
- Experience Design
- Metrics and Measurements
- Organisation Adoption and Accountability
I think what’s helpful when you look at this, is these six competencies cover the totality of CX. They cover the entire big picture of what CX is but it’s important to also say that each one of these competencies is independent.
So, for example, if you look at CX strategy – it has its own principles, practices, methods and an entire set of sub-competencies that we need to know.
If you look at a customer-centric culture it’s the same thing – it’s got its own methods, practices, principles an entire set of sub-competencies that people need to know so when people are in our workshop, when I teach these we do go through these one by one.
And as we go through the first, the second, the third etc then we begin to make the connections between how does your customer experience strategy domain impact your VOC domain and back and forth. How does a customer-centric culture impact the other domains – I just want to point out that each one is treated independently and each one of these as we’ll talk about in a minute is covered in the CCXP exam.
[JT] So you’ve got the six core competencies – we touched on Voice of Customer for example, and we know there’s a lot of things that sit under that like Net Promoter Score (NPS) for example so is it a reasonable expectation to say “hey, if I do this course, am I going to come out of this as an NPS expert or am I just going to get a holistic sort of overview of them all?
[DO] What’s important to understand here is there are a lot of competencies and things to understand in customer experience so maybe I share just a few of the competencies under each one or I should say sub-competencies under each one of these six domains and I’ll specifically address NPS here in just a second because that always comes up.
So starting at the top, in the CX strategy component a CCXP candidate (and I’ll use that term) needs to know how to develop a solid CX strategy, how to articulate a CX vision, the role of corporate strategy, the role of corporate brand values and how to develop meaningful employee performance standards around CX.
Those are just some of the sub-competencies under VOC the candidate needs to know very well.
Quantitative and qualitative research practices, the role and definition of journey mapping and personas and barriers to VOC success for example fall under.
Experience design, which is one of my personal favourites, the candidate needs to know each and every step of the human centre design process – how it works, what it does, as well as definitions of terms such as co-creation ideation and prototyping so that’s an important set of sub-competencies.
When you get to metrics measurements and ROI, again, one of my personal favourite competencies, the candidate needs to know things like data architecture and data architecture consists of metrics that can be described as descriptive or perception-based or outcome-based. They need to know how to calculate ROI – some people do ask, are there some calculations on the CCXP exam yes, there are some calculations.
One of the most important things at CX is proving your value to the organisation so that means being able to calculate what is ROI so you have to actually go through some scenarios where you do that.
We do touch on NPS in that section because NPS is considered to be CX metric that’s an important part but it’s only one of perhaps 25 or 30 different CX metrics that we talk about.
Maybe here I share my own personal experience. I found the CCXP journey incredible – I really benefited a lot from the preparation. The studying, the reading, the learning, that kind of thing and after I got my CCXP, then I looked at all the different domains and competencies and said “where would I like to deepen my understanding?”.
So for NPS, I actually took a formal NPS master class. That master class has nothing to do with the CCXP and nothing to do with the CXPA. It was put together by one of the founders of NPS that took me about a month just to deepen my know-how of NPS.
It links back to my CCXP certification but no, to answer your question the long way around, you’re not going to leave this course being an NPS expert because this is not an NPS class.
Another example is human-centred design. I love this competency so what I did for myself after going through the CCXP and getting my credential, I went into the IDEO curriculum. IDEO is a very well-known global provider of training research and consulting practice around human-centred design – now I spent six months taking that curriculum but I felt it was important for me personally and of course, I think it’s helpful to the participants in our classes because I can talk about human-centred design from the CXPA perspective but also from the practitioner perspective as well.
In organisational adoption and accountability, let me just share a couple of the sub-competencies here. The candidate needs to be able to describe the characteristics of a successful CX leader and they have to explain how an organisation keeps CX front and centre in terms of all the business decisions that are made.
There’s also some discussion about how do you put CX into the organisation because there are a few different models structurally as to how CX is rolled out within an organisation.
And the last one, customer-centric culture. Everyone loves customer-centric culture and here a few of the sub-competencies would be defining what is a customer-centric culture, what are cultural beliefs, how does culture tie to your CX strategy, what are the roles of things like rituals and training and socialisation and building a customer-centric culture so there’s actually quite a lot that’s covered here.
[JT] There is clearly a lot to cover and I think to put into context, the workshop that you run for the CCXP preparation/CX Leadership Fundamentals course is essentially 16 hours of training in total. It’s four x 4-hour sessions and as you said, if someone’s sort of thinking of doing this course you want to be an NPS expert… as you mentioned you did a one-month course just on NPS so I think what this course is great for is giving you a holistic view of cx so you know all the different components.
[DO] I have to say in our discussion here, CX can be described as a set of specialties so when you go and look at any of these six domains let’s look at VOC for example, the ability to craft a survey design, a survey scale, write those questions, roll it out, get response rates, interpret the data, using regression and correlation and all these research terms – that is a specialised function.
When you look at experience design and you’re using the human centre design process of researching and analysing and ideating – that is a specialised function.
I think that’s what a lot of people don’t step back and think about when they think of CX. They sometimes still think of CX as I call it customer service on steroids, but this is not customer service on steroids.
Customer service is a completely different topic so I think you can see the level of expertise – so the requirement here is that anybody that’s a CX professional understands all these domains.
It doesn’t necessarily mean as you said, you’re going to go and set up an NPS program. You might need some NPS work there it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to go and be able to do journey mapping.
But you’ll know what these terms are you’ll know how to articulate them. You’ll be able to understand them in relationship to each other.
I think that’s the real value here.
[JT] I love the way you articulated it – I think it’s really important to note for people with regards to your workshop, or preparing for the CCXP that you don’t have to do the exam.
[DO] A lot of people do the CX Leadership Fundamentals course purely for what you just mentioned – because they want awareness of all the different components of CX. They want to know enough to be dangerous, but not necessarily an expert at all of it.
That’s what this workshop does. Of course, if you want to go on and get those lovely letters next to their name so it looks good on LinkedIn and on your resume, and enables you to access more job opportunities where it is now a requirement, obviously you’ve got to go through an exam so Daniel my next question to you is can you tell me a little bit about the CCXP exam itself?
The CCXP Exam
[DO] As I’ve been through it myself, I’ll share my experience! I love what you just said about attending a course like the one we run, I definitely two different types of folks attending the workshops.
The first type of person is “Dan, I’m thinking of taking the CCXP exam and I believe that this workshop will help me prepare for that and that’s brilliant. There’s a second kind of person that says “you know Dan, I’m not really interested in the CCXP exam” or, “I’m not interested yet”. No problem, they gain exactly the same overview of CX on an understanding of the competencies.
They know that those competencies were put together by a non-profit independent association, they know they’re getting a great perspective on what CX is and the CCXP exam is really up to.
So you can decide to take it the week after the class for example, you can decide to take it a year after the class or you can decide to never take the exam.
There is something else though I need to say the first point on the slide – basically says not everybody is eligible to take the exam.
You must apply for the exam and the CXPA has very strict and clear eligibility criteria which involves how many years you’ve actually worked in a CX role, your individual and personal exposure across all six of those CX competencies e.g. so what has been your participation and exposure to CX strategy what has been your participation or exposure to metrics measurements and ROI etc.
You literally have to write under each competency, kind of like an application explaining to the board this has been my actual exposure and they’ll look at that and they’ll either approve you to take the exam or not take the exam.
But let me say this, I don’t want people who don’t feel they’re ready to take the exam to look at this in a negative way. I see it as an opportunity and I work with a lot of participants and when they’re crafting their words here that they’re gonna say at the end of the class, “you know Dan, I realise I have very little actual practical experience with experience design, I’ve never been involved in human-centred design so what should I do?”.
And I would say well this is the opportunity you go to your boss (hopefully you got a good one here!) and you say boss look, I’m really pursuing this CCXP certification and it does require that I have a level of hands-on experience with experience design. Are there some projects I can be assigned to in the company, can I start a project?, can you put me on a cross-functional team?
In other words, you can work on these things and you can build your understanding. I find that people that take the class or fully understand the six competencies have a much better roadmap to what they need to do versus people that don’t know the six competencies or don’t know exactly what’s required.
So I felt it important to let the listeners know this point.
I’ll just run down the points on the exam here: approval requires work experience in a CX role and demonstration of hands-on experience. By the way, the CXPA website has all of this very carefully outlined on it so when people are really interested it’s the website.
When you’re approved to take the exam, the cool part is you get to schedule this at your own time at your own leisure. Around the world, there are these authorised testing centres where they actually run the CCXP exam so you would go online and you’d find the testing centre closest to you.
This is a no book, no notes, test so for example, a few years ago I took my test in Singapore because as you know I was living in Singapore at that time and when I went in for the test, they even took my specs and checked to make sure there were no cameras inside, they take away your phone etc and put it all in a locker.
They scanned me and while I was taking the exam, they’re actually video cameras to monitor you and so forth – I think that’s really fine by the way.
You do get a calculator and they do give you some scratch paper and a pencil.
During the pandemic period, I do believe the CCXP has come up with methods where you could, in principle, take the exam at home. There are some technical requirements there but if you’re one of these folks that is in the situation where you can’t really or don’t feel comfortable going out, you can always check in with the CXPA to do a version of taking the test at home.
Now the exam itself is comprised of 100 multiple choice questions so you read the question and you select a, b, c, or d and there’s a hundred questions and you need to get 80% or more correct to pass.
By the way, those hundred questions are drawn from across the six competency areas that we talked about earlier. And one other point because I had a participant just pass his exam a couple of weeks ago. He wrote to me and said “Dan, I didn’t know I would find out right away and I’m like oh yeah, you find out right away!
So the point being, when you’re sitting in that exam room and you click that last question (and by the way these systems are cool, you can go back and forward change answers etc), it actually will say “are you ready to submit” and then when you press submit, almost instantaneously it comes up with what your score was you passed or you didn’t pass
[JT] Oh wow, you would take a big breath before you hit that submit button wouldn’t you!
[DO] I think my hair was actually black before the test, unfortunately, it doesn’t go back to its original colour!
But you know, when I see these 1,130 CCXPs around the world I know that they went through exactly that same process. I always say it feels like a shared experience so one day if I meet them in Sao Paulo or san Antonio or Singapore or Switzerland, I’m sure we’ll sit down for a few minutes and talk about that feeling when you complete the test because it’s really quite something to get that moment.
[JT] Absolutely, we’ll talk about a little bit later on in the next section but I also want to let the listeners know there is a cost to sit the exam. So if you do want to actually go forward and sit for your credentials, there is a cost and if you fail, well you’ve got to pay additional fees to sit the exam again so there’s a vested interest in wanting to make sure you are well prepared.
What is a CXPA Authorised Trainer Provider?
[JT] The next thing I wanted to really talk to you about is the status of a Recognised Training Provider as I think it’s something that we really should focus in on Dan because, well, let’s just say it’s a little bit special as there are only 10 people in the world that are authorized to have that logo and you are one of them.
So first of all, congratulations, because I know there was a huge amount of work that you put into getting that status, and I’d love to know, what does it really mean and why is it good if you do a course with a recognised training provider opposed to some of the other providers that don’t have that status?
[DO] Well it’s a fair question and yes, I think there’s just about nine or ten of us at this point around the world. Basically what it means, and I have to be a little bit legal here with Terms and Conditions etc, it means the CXPA themselves have looked at my course, they’ve looked at my background, they’ve read about me, they’ve asked for testimonials and so on – they want validation that a person they certify meets their standards and will deliver to their expectations, and I like that they’re very particular about this.

It’s not an easy process – as a matter of fact, someone from Australia wrote to me on LinkedIn the other day and said I don’t know why we don’t have more Recognised Training Providers in Australia and I said I can’t answer that question.
But what I can tell you is it’s a journey and Justin for me, I spent two years writing this course.
I founded my company 20 years ago and we’ve been doing this kind of training around CRM and CX and so forth so obviously that gave me a big advantage. But even with those advantages of time and experience and exposure, I still spent two years going through every single competency making sure the case studies, the examples, the exercises, the quizzes etc were at a high standard.
In this particular course, our exercise guide is about 100 pages, and those hundred pages cover example quizzes – we actually design quizzes for each of the competencies in the multiple-choice format used in the actual CCXP exam so people get a flavour for what they can expect.
So if you’re asking me what the Recognised Training Provider means in general, I think what it means for people is the person that’s taking you on this journey, because it’s just like we’re accompanying you on the journey a bit, they know what they’re talking about and that has been validated by the CXPA.
[JT] Thank you, it really does help and I think you know if you’re listening to this, or you haven’t met Daniel before, one thing it comes across pretty clear is he’s very passionate about customer experience and he has a lot of experience! As you said, two years just to put this course together and I have sat through it twice (maybe I’m a slow learner and I need to sit through it a third time!) but it’s a great course and the style in which Daniel does the workshops is fantastic because he always gets you to do the quiz first and you’re like “oh geez, I don’t know a few of these but when you do the quiz again after the learnings and then all of a sudden you go oh wow, I really have learned something!”.
It’s a great validation that it’s actually all sinking in because there is a lot it is a lot and we cram a lot into this course – it is a two-day course normally when done physically but obviously due to COVID restrictions we’ve gone online now using a 4 x 4-hour workshop format.
[DO] What we’ve learned about this online delivery Justin is it actually gives us some new tools – for example, when we do these quiz questions in the exercise guide, now we do it as an online poll so people are actually clicking the answers.
I like the way we’re doing it by these four by four sessions as there are some readings that people can do on their own, there are some short videos to watch etc that people can do as “homework” so we spend our time in the class together actually talking and listening which has been great.
No requirements to take the CCXP exam
It’s always important to remind people that if you do our workshop, there is no requirement to take the CCXP exam.
The CXPA does not require that you take a test.
I think it’s a decision people make and the analogy I use is going to a museum. There are some people that go to a museum they go independently or maybe with a loved one they just walk around – I want to see this, I want to see that, I want to see the Mona Lisa, I want to see The Last Kiss, I want to see the Picasso etc. and they learn on their own and maybe they read the placard below the painting.
Here’s the date it was painted etc – that’s one kind of museum-goer.
There’s also a different kind of museum-goer and I call these people the tour guide people.
They like to join tours, they like to have a tour guide take them around and I think the reason I like this analogy is when you join a tour, it’s not just you and the tour guide, it’s you all the other people on the tour.
The tour guide obviously when he or she takes you by the Picasso or whatever they take you by, they give you the history, the context etc and what I always find interesting about museum tours is they tell you what to look for, how do I know this is a work of art, look at what is it that makes this painting worth X etc.
I see myself as the museum tour guide – I’m giving people a tour through CX with the understanding that you’ve got other people with you on the journey and you’re going to bounce a lot of these things back and forth off other people.
So I welcome people into our museum tour, in this case, the class, while I also respect people that choose to do this on their own.
[JT] There’s always going to be different personas with different needs so what a great analogy and it’s so true, and I think the one thing I love about sitting in your workshops is, and it’s a little bit like the tour guide analogy, you have great stories that go with the learnings. You’ve got real practical stories and I think that’s where the value really comes out because you bring it to life!
I mean we could all go and read a book but I think when you sit through this workshop and you hear your experiences and the stories that go with it, and you hear the other people’s stories, because you know in a group and we have relatively small groups for this program, we do get to hear from the others as participants and it’s great because you get to learn from as you said their experiences as well.
[DO] I am always intrigued by what people have experienced and failed, what they respond to, how they respond it – it’s never boring, it’s never repetitive – I would never be bored being a museum tour guide and I’m never bored running the CX class and its always motivating for me!
[JT] We’ve known each other for a number of years and your passion has not waned one little bit, if nothing else it’s getting even deeper!
So if people are looking at doing this workshop, we do have it on our CX Skills website – we run the course publicly roughly every couple of months so depending on when you’re listening to this podcast or you’re watching this video, we do have one coming up at the start of December 2020 and our next one’s in February 2021.
It’s a popular course as we said right at the start, we’re seeing that more and more people now are going “hey, you need to have that CCXP certification to get your foot in the door now for some CX roles so I think this is only going to grow in stature as the years go.
I think one of the things that we should also add in Dan is, and we did mention there is a price to pay if you want to sit the exam, but as a Recognised Training Provider, you actually get a 15% coupon discount for people that want to join the CXPA and sit for the exam so that’s a nice little saving!
[DO] There are a few things we offer in the course – obviously one is you know we’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting for our students because it does take a lot of time to research and study and prepare all these competencies.
Now if you’re not in a big rush and you have the one, two, three years to do that on your own that’s great and may suit some people.
We’ve been through that journey, the CXPA recognises the journey we’ve been through and Justin one thing that we may have forgotten to mention is for anybody that goes through the course, I’m always there to do an hour of one-on-one support.
I don’t like the word coaching so much but you know, discussion with you – we hop on Zoom you tell me “Dan, I’m about to take the exam next week, can I run some ideas or questions by you”. I’m always there for any participant that goes through this course whether you want to talk to me a week after we do the course or a year after we do the course, it doesn’t matter.
You just pop me an email and we do the one-on-one coaching part – I think its a really, really important thing to make sure people understand and are prepared for the exam.
[JT] So anyone who does the workshop with Daniel, you do get that free one-hour session one-on-one with Daniel – it is not a consulting exercise, it is not trying to sell you business, it’s not trying to sell you another course – it is literally to help you prepare for your exam. So if that’s something that you’re considering to doing, I can assure you to get one on one with someone of Daniel’s stature, it’s worth the course alone to be honest!
[DO] For many people, the shorter term to the midterm goal is to get the CCXP which I fully understand and respect and I’m here for you on that journey, but my ultimate goal is not just that you get the credential because to me, getting the credentials is only the beginning – it’s what you do with the credential that really matters.
So I see my job is short and mid-term help to help you earn that credential. Longer-term, I want you to write to me in a year or two and say “Dan, we’ve done this really cool stuff with VOC or we’ve done this really cool stuff realigning our metrics etc”. That’s what totally makes my day!
[JT] Reading some of your testimonials Daniel, it’s clear that’s what actually happens. To share my personal story, I’ve sat through the course twice (obviously it’s a bit easier for me as I host the courses with Daniel so I get the luxury of sitting in) but even then, I still haven’t sat for my CCXP exam.
I am very cognizant of the fact that I need to put in a bit of study before the exam and there’s a couple of books that I’ll need to read, there’s some practice trivia quizzes etc. There’s a fair bit of work and life gets in the way and I just haven’t found the time to do it.
You need to find some clean air and focus on this and give it due respect for a month or two leading up to the exam to ensure you are really prepared.
But as Daniel was saying, even if you don’t go forward and do the exam, the learnings that you will get out of this course I promise you will help you in your day to day life whether you’re in CX or in Contact Centres.
Progressing into CX from the Contact Centre Industry
The last point that I want to raise Daniel, because we do get a lot of people that see our content obviously working in the contact centre industry, is for Contact Centre Professionals, if you’re looking at expanding your career opportunities – wow what a perfect opportunity with a contact centre background to then pivot into CX!
[DO] Every single senior contact centre person I come across or I’ve worked with in the past, and I can be a little controversial here, don’t just rebrand everything you do in contact centre ‘CX’ because this rebranding doesn’t change the fact that you’re not CX, your contact centre.
There are different sets of business disciplines. If you truly put that aside and say “look I’m a master of contact centres, I love customers etc but maybe I should really learn what this CX is all about – what these six competencies cover”, believe me, you will be so powerful.
I keep thinking of like a marvel superhero, you’re gonna have the secret power of the contact centre and customer service and the power of cx and honestly, that’s almost unbeatable.
I don’t know so many people who officially have both sides – I would like to see more contact centre people explore the CX domain in a structured and assumption-free way if that makes sense. Put aside that you know contact centre and say I need to learn CX and go for it! I want to see more contact centre – both you and I went through that journey and it was incredible as now we can see both ecosystems far more clearly – so anyway that’s our two cents worth!
[JT] It’s such a huge asset to have and there’s very few people in the world as you said that have a foot in both camps that have actually experienced both, and I think it’s going to be great for for both industries if we can accelerate that because you know the contact centre as we know contributes a lot, but it’s not everything – CX is a much bigger than just the contact centre!
Daniel, I trust you’ve answered a lot of the questions that people might have around the CXPA or the CCXP credentials but of course, if anyone has some other questions about it they can obviously reach out to you on LinkedIn you can reach out to me on Linkedin or you can pop us an email through the CX Skills website.
If you’re obviously looking at doing our CX Leadership Fundamentals workshop we host them all for Daniel down here across Asia-Pacific so whether you are in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Philippines etc you’ll find the timezones should be suitable.
As well as the public courses, we also offer private training courses which are great if you’ve got a number of employees that you want to put through the course giving you flexibility over the dates and times and of course, ensuring all your team go through the course at the same time.
[DO] Justin I have to say i’m so excited for example in the upcoming CCXP course you’ve got participants from Australia and Asia and having lived in Asia for 20 years and working so extensively in that region, I couldn’t be happier because isn’t this the beauty of our new online life – which is as long as the time zone isn’t too crazy, you can sign in from anywhere!
[JT] That’s exactly right, for the last couple of years we’ve obviously flown you out from Germany and hosted the courses here in Melbourne Australia so yes, this online world does bring some added benefits and I think also the fact that it is just four hours a day makes it easier to stay on top of your emails etc and not get too far behind in your work is also another bonus given how busy we all are these days.
Speaking of busy Daniel, I’m sure you’ve got about a zillion other things to do so thank you so much for your time again – it’s always great to catch up and we really look forward to this next course in December and obviously the ones beyond that.
[DO] You got it, see you soon Justin!
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