Vodafone complaints plummet
In a recent report by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, the key highlight was the plummet in Vodafone complaints that continued their downward spiral.
And across all providers, the Telco industry received the lowest level of new complaints since 2007-08.
Leading the charge was Vodafone who continued to see complaints plummet for the sixth consecutive quarter receiving 6.3 new complaints per 10,000 services in operation.
Pressure will now switch to Optus who suffered their fourth consecutive quarterly increase rising to 8.5 new complaints per 10,000 services in operation.
Despite the large move to offshoring their call centres, Telstra also recorded its lowest result in the last 1.5 years at 6.0 new complaints per 10,000 services in operation.
It will be interesting to see if Vodafone, with their on-shore call centres, will continue their downward trend and move ahead of Telstra in the next survey. Looks like its game on and that can only be a good thing for consumers.
TIO comment
TIO complaints per 10,000 services in operation (SIO) for all participating providers decreased during April-June 2015. This result is the lowest of any quarter reported in Complaints in Context.
The result of 6.5 complaints per 10,000 SIO has decreased 9.7 per cent when compared to January-March 2015 (7.2) and 14.5 per cent when compared to April to June 2014 (7.6).
These results reflect the overall decrease in TIO new complaints, which reduced by 10.5 per cent during 2014-15. This is the lowest level of new complaints since 2007-08.
Participation in Complaints in Context is voluntary, and we welcome Pivotel Group joining the process.
Vodafones complaints per 10,000 SIO, at 6.3, almost halved compared to the same period in 2014. Its complaints have fallen below the result for all participants for the rst time, re ecting a drop in new complaints over the financial year.
Telstra recorded its lowest Complaints in Context result to date, with 6 complaints per 10,000 SIO, a 13 per cent reduction from January-March 2015.
Optus complaints per 10,000 SIO increased to 8.5 in April- June compared to 7.3 in January-March, re ecting a higher number of TIO complaints during 2015. Optus has told the TIO that an increase in landline and internet fault complaints during April-June 2015 was a factor that contributed to this increase.
Amaysims and Pivotels complaints per 10,000 SIO are at notably lower levels than other providers (1.8).
Communications Alliance comment
The encouraging further fall in total TIO complaint numbers in 2014-15 (a 10.5 per cent drop on the previous year) is also being reflected in the performance of service providers in the contextualised complaints reporting program.
The overall ratio for participants has improved by 21 per cent since the beginning of 2014 (albeit the participant mix has changed slightly over time, with the Pivotel Group becoming a participant in the latest round of reporting).
Vodafone has continued to record significant reductions in its complaint ratio, with its rate declining for the fifth successive quarter. Vodafone is now displaying performance better than the average among all participants in the contextualised complaints reporting program.
A small increase in complaints were noted in the period for amaysim and this is generally attributed to the use of mobile data services as customers adjust usage patterns to suit new products and plans.
Optus has previously acknowledged an increase in new complaints to the TIO for the year ending June 2015, compared to the previous year, driven in part by detrimental weather impacts, network issues and a signi cant rise in mobile data usage on its 4G network.
Optus has implemented a number of initiatives to improve the experience for both mobile and xed customers, including faster delivery of usage alerts, enhanced front-line education and additional eld technicians.
Optus reports that these initiatives have been well received by customers and that complaints decreased in the July- September 2015 quarter.
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