Aussie Bank introduces Voice Biometrics

Australian Bank introduces Voice Biometrics and gains huge efficiency

Australian Bank introduces Voice Biometrics and slashes 45 seconds per call 

First, it was the tax office and now an Australian Bank has introduced Voice Biometrics into its call centre and is reaping big rewards.

Ross Greenwood from Nine News has revealed that CitiBank has become the first local bank to introduce full Vocal Biometrics to identify its customers saving approximately 45 seconds per call and a lot of frustration for customers.

The ATO has been using the Nuance Voice Biometrics solutions for over two years with Geoff Leeper from the Australian Tax Office claiming that “since introducing Voice Biometrics into their contact centre, over 2 million Australians have registered for the service and they have saved over 75,000 hours of talk time for both their staff and customers” delivering significant savings.

For the sceptics out there, Robert Schwarz from Nuance, suggests that a fingerprint identifies about 20 points of reference where Voice Biometrics looks at over 1,000 points of reference.

So if your contact centre processes require you to identify the customer in order to service them, Voice Biometrics is a key way you can save significant time and money, and improve the customer experience all at the same time!

Recommended further reading: Does ageing impact voice biometrics accuracy?

Find a list of suppliers who can provide Voice Biometrics and other contact centre technology in the free CX Directory >>>

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